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Soirées Franco"Fun" virtuelles pour éducateurs, administrateurs, stagiaires et équipes écoles de la C.-B. - Vous êtes invités!!

A message to all B.C. French Program Administrators, Educators, Student Teachers and Support Staff, 

BC’s Southern Interior French Educator Network has organized four free virtual events (en français) that are aimed at providing opportunities for administrators, educators, student teachers and support staff to come together as a larger French community with the main objectives being :

  • Continue to build French language capacity through authentic and engaging experiences

  • Networking with other French educators from across the province

  • Celebrating the French language and culture

  • Having fun in French!

*All levels of French are welcome!!

This could be a great opportunity for schools to plan French language social events for their French educational staff and join in virtually as a group from your schools or, if some educators are not able to attend, they are also welcome to join virtually from their homes!!

*If, as a school, you decide to host one or all of the events and join us virtually as a school team, we encourage you to consider supplying snacks and beverages as all of the events take place at the end of the school day and to provide the required materials if at all possible.

(4:00pm Pacific Time is the start time for all of the events!)

Dates and Events

Wednesday, January 22nd 4:00pm - French Virtual Paint Night

Thursday, February 27th 4:00pm - French Virtual Zumba Night

Wednesday, April 30th - French Virtual Cooking Night

Thursday, May 29th 4:00pm - French Virtual Comedy Night

Please print and display/share the linked flyers and encourage your French language staff/teams/individuals to take advantage of these unique opportunities and to sign up!!!

Links to sign up can be found on the attached document!! 

Please email if you have any questions at all!!



Le réseau d'éducateurs des programmes de français du Sud Intérieur de la C.-B. 

British Columbia's Southern Interior French Educator Network 

Avec la participation du gouvernement du Canada et du ministère de l’Éducation et des Services à la petite enfance de la Colombie-Britannique. 

With the participation of the Government of Canada and the Ministry of Education and Childcare of British Columbia.

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