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Vivre, enseigner, apprendre et jouer ici...Rien de mieux!

Living, teaching, learning and playing here...There's nothing better!

Our Communities

Merritt and Nicola.JPG
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SD 58 Website


Contact the French
Language Support Team

Our Schools Providing French Education in the Region


École Collettville
French Immersion


Merritt secondary.JPG

Merritt Secondary
French Immersion

** Core French is Provided at all schools
in the region from Grades 5-12 **

SD #58
Nicola Similameen

Merritt 1.jpg

Map of
the Region

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Ensemble tout est possible!
Together everything
is possible!

Nous joindre
Contact Us

Le réseau d'éducateurs des programmes de français du Sud Intérieur de la C.-B. 

British Columbia's Southern Interior French Educator Network 

Avec la participation du gouvernement du Canada et du ministère de l’Éducation et des Services à la petite enfance de la Colombie-Britannique. 

With the participation of the Government of Canada and the Ministry of Education and Childcare of British Columbia.

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