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SILC - Southern Interior Language Coordinators /
French Education Network Collaborative Team

Les coordonnateurs (SILC) de chacun des conseils scolaires de l'Intérieur sud se sont unis afin de créer un réseau qui a pour but d'offrir des expériences de langue française de qualité, accessibles, engageantes et authentiques à tous les apprenants. Ce groupe collaboratif d'éducateurs vise à fournir des ressources aux apprenants de langue française et à leurs familles ainsi qu'aux éducateurs de programmes de français de l'intérieur du sud. Ils espèrent  également offrir des opportunités de développement professionnel et à construire un réseau qui permettra aux éducateurs des conseils scolaires de la région de grandir et d'apprendre de façon réciproque.

Qui sommes-nous et quel est notre objectif?
Who are we and what is our objective?


The  Southern Interior Language Coordinators (SILC) from each of the regional school districts have joined efforts to create a Southern Interior French Education Network in the hopes of providing quality, accessible, engaging and authentic French language experiences for all learners. This collaborative group of educators aims to provide resources for the French language learning students and their families as well as the Southern Interior French educators. They also hope to offer professional development opportunities and to build a network where educators from the various school districts might grow and learn from each other.   
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Click photos to connect with the collaborators via email.

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Joanne Brunel

BCSI French Education Network Facilitator

UBC Okanagan

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Kelsey Doolaar

SD 6 French Coordinator

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Robin Stille

SD 10 Core French Educator


Janine Chabot

SD 23 French Support Team


Kristin Arnason

SD 53 Core French Educator


Megan Weir

SD 83 French Coordinator

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Colombe Cormier

B. Ed. French Pathway Advisor

UBC Okanagan


Yvonne Fiala

SD 22 French Coordinator

and  BCSI Committee Member

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Marie-Ève St. Laurent

SD 6 Educator


Jenna Mason

SD 19 Core French Educator


Phoebe Cseresnyes

SD 23 French Support Team


Nicole Mackay-Smith

SD 58 French Coordinator


Sylvie Forget

SD93 Principal, Kelowna


Fränzi Karlen

SD 73 French Coordinator

and  BCSI Committee Member


Stephanie Davina

SD 8 Educator


Chantal St-Jacques

SD 20 French Coordinator


Barb Huva

SD 23 Core French Support


Diane Haddow

SD 67 French Coordinator


Sylvie Mazerolle

SD93 Principal, Nelson


Marzia Bottoni

SD 5 French Coordinator



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Victoria Jordan

SD 8 Educator


Erik Nielsen

SD 22 French Coordinator


Heather Slaney

SD 51 Core French Educator


Annika Everton

SD 67 Educator


Jody Dlouhy-Nelson, PhD

B. Ed French Pathways Coordinator,

 UBC Okanagan

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Ensemble tout est possible!
Together everything
is possible!

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Le réseau d'éducateurs des programmes de français du Sud Intérieur de la C.-B. 

British Columbia's Southern Interior French Educator Network 

Avec la participation du gouvernement du Canada et du ministère de l’Éducation et des Services à la petite enfance de la Colombie-Britannique. 

With the participation of the Government of Canada and the Ministry of Education and Childcare of British Columbia.

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